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Heritage on Wheels: Kolkata’s Rath Yatra in Bonedi Baris

Hey readers! I am back with another blog today and sending you all warm wishes for RathYatra. Since childhood, pulling the chariot ( Rath Tana ) has always been a part of the celebration. Living in West Bengal, every year we decorate the Rath at our home, and children usually gather in the neighborhood with their individual Raths to celebrate Lord Jagannath’s day. Besides pulling the chariot, we also celebrate the day by savoring Pappor and Jalebi , as well as watching the grand celebrations in Odisha. So today, I thought of sharing with you all how Bengal celebrates Rath Yatra. Rath Yatra in Kolkata this year is set to be a subdued affair, with most organizations and traditional families choosing to keep the celebrations low-key. While Rath Yatra is famously associated with the grand festivities in Puri, it has been a significant festival in Bengal since the 14th century, when Dhrubananda Brahmachari introduced it at Mahesh. Over the centuries, many zamindar families incorporated it i

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